Goals for Development | Ballparks of America Goals for Development @ Ballparks of America "*" indicates required fields Email* Name* First Last Why are you here? What are your goals? Become More Durable and Flexible (Avoid Non-Contact Injuries) Increase Speed Increase Power Increase Stamina and Endurance Increase Velocity Increase Explosive Output Build Aesthetics Without Pain Increase Athletic Performance Overall Improve on Weight Management Other (Please be specific so we can help you) Do you have any pain? If so rate 1-10? (1 = I feel no pain ever, 10 = I feel pain all the time)12345678910What is the #1 place you frequently feel pain or an area mentioned aboveNone (I feel no pain)ToeAnklesAchillesCalvesKneesHamstringsQuadsGroinsHip FlexorsIT BandsGlutesLower BackMid BackUpper BackLatsAbsShouldersArmsWristsNeckWhat is the #2 place you frequently feel pain or an area mentioned aboveNone (I feel no pain)AnklesToeAchillesCalvesKneesHamstringsQuadsGroinsHip FlexorsIT BandsGlutesLower BackMid BackUpper BackLatsAbsShouldersArmsWristsNeckOtherIf you were to sit in the seiza position, do you have any pain?*Rate your pain from 10 (Worst Pain of All Time) to 1 (No pain at all, feel amazing everywhere when in this position)12345678910 (I have no pain when I sit in this position at all, feels good and I can do it for a substantial amount of time)Other