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News Feed Forums G8way Max Forum 150 ways you didn't know you could improve your movement

  • 150 ways you didn't know you could improve your movement

    Posted by Max Mover on April 1, 2023 at 12:05 am

    G8way Max, a fitness program for elite athletes, provides a staggering 150 ways to improve one’s performance, many of which are overlooked or unknown to most athletes. These methods, ranging from simple everyday tasks such as washing dishes or pushing a grocery cart to more unconventional techniques like training during sleep, can potentially provide athletes with a significant competitive advantage.

    It is widely understood that success in sports requires meticulous attention to detail and an unyielding commitment to improvement. However, the real differentiating factor lies in the ability to identify and capitalize on every opportunity for growth, regardless of how small or mundane it may seem. This is where G8way Max excels – we equip our athletes with a comprehensive understanding of the multitude of ways in which they can elevate their performance.

    Through our program, athletes like you can gain a competitive edge by implementing strategies their opponents are unaware of. By honing your skills in 150 areas, you can maximize your potential and surpass your competition. Our commitment to providing our athletes with every possible advantage sets us apart from other fitness programs.

    If you are an elite athlete seeking to achieve the absolute pinnacle of success in your sport, then the G8way Max Elite Performance Plan is your solution. With our unparalleled expertise and dedication to improvement, we can help you unlock your full potential, achieving greatness.

    Here is the list of 150 ways you probably didn’t even know you could improve your performance by improving your movement:

    Max Mover replied 1 year, 9 months ago 1 Member · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Max Mover

    April 1, 2023 at 12:11 am

    150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
    1.) Driving

    Did you know we spend most of our life sitting in a car or driving?
    Studies have shown that the average American drives for over 17,000 minutes yearly. That’s a lot of time in a seated position, and if we’re not sitting in the correct posture, it can have a long-term effect on our bodies.

    Poor driving posture can lead to chronic pain and discomfort, affecting our overall physical performance, including sports. Imagine sitting on the bus for hours before a game in a compressed position, with your shoulders hunched forward and your spine rounded. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also affect your ability to perform at your best. Think about it, on your last 10 hr+ road trip, could you get out of the car or bus and run 10 sprints immediately? Probably not because you’re body was all compressed.

    But what if we told you, you could get better while you drive? While driving or resting as a passenger, you can constantly code up your movement while being in a moving vehicle. You could perform several groundwork exercises or work on shoulder stuff. You can get your reps in and still be in a moving vehicle in various ways. Especially if you are on a bus with a team.

    So, we must be aware of our body position, sit up straight, and adjust the seat and mirrors correctly if we are driving to promote healthy posture. We should take frequent breaks to recode and move around in a healthy way. If you can’t stop and walk around, there are several things you can do to get out of the pain in a car or stay decompressed. Making these simple adjustments can significantly impact our overall health and athletic performance, especially if we are the away team, showing up on a bus right before game time. By learning to sit in better positions while we drive or sit as a passenger, we can improve our posture in the long run, which translates to a healthier life and performance in sports.

    Gross, Andrew. “Americans Spend an Average of 17,600 Minutes Driving Each Year.” AAA Newsroom, 22 Oct. 2020,

    • Max Mover

      April 1, 2023 at 12:31 am

      150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
      2.) In School, Sitting At A Desk

      This one is big for my people in school and who work at a desk all day. Many people are unaware they can focus on posture and movement while performing routine tasks, such as sitting in a chair or driving a car.

      One group of people who can benefit greatly from this knowledge are students who spend hours sitting at desks at school. Poor posture and slouching can become habits that carry over into sports practice and games, hindering athletic performance and leading to injuries.

      To combat this, it’s important to incorporate exercises like “Paperclips” that open up the hips. Simply maintain a straight foot and keep 1-3 fist-width distance between both feet. Spiral the thigh and shin bones inwards on both legs to perform the hinge-like motion. Then spiral the thigh and shin bone into external rotation to open up the hip. The ” Paperclip ” sitting version is similar to the Wall Sit Paperclip exercise. Doing the paperclip principle for repetition will keep the hips loose and flexy while sitting in a chair.
      Another critical reason to sit at a desk well is to maintain access within the shoulder and hip engines. Think back to a time when you were in school. How many times have you sat all day for four periods and then gone to practice after? The chair was feeding your poor postures, and you probably didn’t sit well or paperclip, so you’re body was all tight before athletics. By avoiding poor sitting positions, keeping the body decompressed, and decreasing any chance of losing mobility in a chair, students can improve their posture and movement patterns, leading to better performance in sports and a healthier body overall.

      Remember, small changes in every day habits can make a big difference in the long run, so take the time to focus on your posture and movement, even during routine tasks.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Max Mover.
      • Max Mover

        April 1, 2023 at 2:13 am

        150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
        3.) When You Shower

        Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time in the day to work out? Well, what if I told you that you could improve your movement patterns while taking a shower? Yup, that’s right! Oh my gosh, think about how many times you hopefully shower each day. You can do exercises like “Drop-ins” while you shampoo and condition your hair, or use soap on your body. Make sure that you’re Back Chain Dominant and even challenge yourself by using your non-dominant hand. Balance on one foot when you wash your toes. Take cold showers and try it. Master your breathing. Add a wall sit variation. Get some mobility in. Hit the resting squat or hinge. So, don’t let your daily routine hold you back from achieving your fitness goals. Start repping out those “Drop-ins” and become a shower fitness guru!

  • Max Mover

    April 1, 2023 at 11:50 am

    150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
    4.) When You’re Eating

    Undoubtedly, it’s not feasible to maintain perfect resting positions at all times. Nevertheless, as a revered guru once imparted to a professional athlete, “if you aren’t consuming your meals in a grounded or well-rested position, you’ll get outperformed.” While this may have appeared as a daring declaration to the athlete, it certainly holds significant value and credibility.

    As an athlete of prominence, if you could enhance your performance every passing second of the day, even during slumber, whereas your opponents merely get two hours to do so, you’d surpass them on a regular basis during competition. While indulging in our meals, we can continuously “recalibrate.” For instance, we could opt to sit in the rocker position, which promotes superior posture and decompressed joints. Alternatively, we could swivel from side to side, maintaining comprehensive access to our entire body.

    It’s worth noting that the more you repeat something, the more ingrained it becomes. Consequently, even if you were to be on the ground for a mere 45 minutes every day while eating, it would undoubtedly add up over time.

    • Max Mover

      April 1, 2023 at 12:01 pm

      150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
      5.) When You’re Sleeping

      Did you know that improving your sleep position can directly impact your body’s mobility and access for the entire day? It’s true! Even when you’re awake and moving around, how you slept the night before can affect your physical abilities. Optimizing your sleep position is essential to ensure you get the most out of your body.

      By improving your sleep position, you’re not only maintaining your current level of mobility, but you’re also paving the way for even more improvement. Plus, you’ll train your body to adopt shapes and positions that benefit your sport. This means that your subconscious mind will start recognizing and repeating the right movements, making it easier for you to perform at your best.

      You definitely want to maintain natural movements like the Centenarian sprinters, hunter-gatherers in third-world countries, and no non-contact injured super-athletes. In that case, ensuring your sleep is as good as possible is crucial. So, what can you do? Contact a coach for personalized advice on your sleep position, or leave a comment below to get started. You can see tangible improvements in your mobility and performance on the field with a little effort.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  Max Mover.
  • Max Mover

    April 9, 2023 at 6:19 pm

    150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
    6.) Cross-Sport Training

    This is a cool one because when you play a sport and you do it on such a repeatable basis, the body can start to become narrow minded. Meaning, if all I do as a baseball player is pitch and throw one direction, my body could become one-sided or stuck athletically. For instance, if one threw overhand objects forward with only the same arm every time, the body would start to compensate negatively. Because either the body doesn’t get enough thoracic rotation going the opposite direction of one’s throw, or the body loses its movement capability because of no underhand movements or opposite hand training, certain muscles & ranges don’t ever get used. And so, when our training or sport doesn’t target every necessary movement for one’s desired quality life or skill, then the body becomes at risk.

    So this is why cross training is fantastic. This is why baseball players love to golf. It’s a rotational movement of the body. This is why football players like to play basketball, like to play baseball. We’ve heard it from many college coaches, they want athletes! And one of the best ways to be athletic is play several sports, or just do several physical activities. If you’re a baseball P.O. go take ground balls and fly balls!

    So yes, you can get better within your current sport by playing other sports that are cross-specific to your current sport.

    • Max Mover

      April 9, 2023 at 6:54 pm

      150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
      7.) Working from the Ground

      You gotta do your homework. We know you’re going to read your emails. Oh, you’re probably going to work on your yard.
      You might as well do it while resting properly/recoding on the ground. The ground has decompressive opportunities, so you’re constantly staying mobile. Since you’ve been doing a ton of groundwork exercises, for example, the Rocker Run, you’ll notice how easy you can work side to side on the ground while getting work done on your computer. Hear what Coach Colin says about it & try it out!

      • Max Mover

        June 2, 2023 at 7:51 pm

        150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
        8.) Washing Your Dishes

        We said this in the beginning, “most people don’t know that one can physically get better while washing the dishes.” Yes, you can open up your hips, get a workout if you want, or get spinal decompression. It can all be done through recoding.

        It’s inevitable; you’ll wash dishes at some point. Hopefully, you wash dishes quite often for your parents or kids. Undoubtedly, everyone you do or don’t know has washed dishes once. And the number is got to be so high!!, our guess would be higher than 80% of the human dishwashing population has their low-hanging fruit flaw showing up right when they dish to wash. Low-hanging fruit, meaning the first thing you could fix with your body that would be a big help to you physically (aka grab the low/more accessible/more effective fruit off the tree). Most dishwashing occupants press their pelvis on the sink counter; therefore, their front chain dominant movement flaw appears. When they wash dishes, most humans let their feet relax; thus, their foot’s physical defect is subconsciously programmed Inside Ankle Bone Low. But the G8way Max movers are conscientious of their body positions when they wash the dishes. G8way movers learn early that one should be at least conscientious about how they wash dishes. And for the one chasing the highest peak performance possible with their athleticism and career, they know that all their movement wins & efforts throughout the day add up. If one can get better with their body physically while washing the dishes, sleeping, walking their dog, brushing their teeth, etc., it’s just a matter of reps until they pass their opponent.

        Now you could say you use the dishwasher instead of hand washing, but at some point in your future of washing dishes, hopefully, G8way Max can make you conscientious of the shapes your body makes when you put your dishes in the dishwasher.

        Check out this video if you haven’t seen it already on washing dishes and other positions in the Moving Right in Daily Activities video.

        • Max Mover

          June 2, 2023 at 8:09 pm

          150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
          9.) Walking

          Some people know this. Walking is an essential function of life. Walking is human nature. Walking is humanity’s birthright; however, most individuals have lost their natural walking pattern, thus creating future physical hiccups in one’s walk. And when the walking mechanics of an individual are poor, it will show up in one’s later years as pain and stiffness. At G8way Max, we know that athletic individuals walk well. And we also know that those who walk well have significantly less pain than those who do not. To get better physically, you must get better at walking and avoid all injuries as best as possible.

          Everyone you do and don’t know will tell you that if you can walk well when you’re 90, you’ll be better off than those who can’t. Walking well starts early. The sooner you can walk well, the better. But you can get better right now, no matter your age. See this, feel this, hear this; it will pay off if you choose to get better at your walk consistently, whether it’s fixing movement patterns or being more confident; if you get better at your walk daily, you will get better at your sport. If you own the walk & you don’t have to think about it to move well, then your subconscious holds your natural motor movement at the slowest level of forward locomotion. Suppose you maintain your natural walking mechanics (the eight movement points) till your later years. In that case, you have a significantly greater chance to hold onto your mobility and access when you age. You then have a significant chance of having no pain. If you walk well, you’re not constantly stressing your connective tissue trying to get to points A & B. If you improve your walk by walking with straight feet or unlocking your stuck spine, you will see a physical performance difference that will last a lifetime if you can maintain the improved movement behavior.

          A coach can assess your walking behavior, improve it, and use it to transform your life physically and mentally. Go here:

          Also, check out this walking video! Keep making better habits!

          • Max Mover

            June 2, 2023 at 8:15 pm

            150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
            10.) Climbing

            This can be interesting. Grip strength. Athleticism. Natural.

            You have to be strong to be a climber. Doing athletic and natural things, like climbing a mountain or simply climbing up a hill by walking uphill, will improve your gait & physical features. If you want to build your legs and feet, climb uneven terrain, or any path created for you, that’s an uphill surface. When we move uphill, the body has a greater chance of being more Back Chain Dominant. This is because the rib cage has to be in front of the hip joints. Also, it’s easier to be BCD going uphill because the feet have a better chance to work right when we have more pressure out of the heel. Hence, running hills or doing your Drop In’s on an uphill surface is a great stimulus to add to your training routine. But climbing is also great for our routine too. Climbing uphill or on a vertical slope also works our upper body back chain. Your hand extensors, forearms, triceps, posterior shoulders, and lats will get a tremendous physical shred through natural movement. Think about animals that can climb well. Monkeys swing well. Do you think Tarzan was athletic? You must be able to hold your body weight up with your arms. If you can’t do it, progress there. But adding climbing to your fitness plan will benefit your athleticism and help your body get a different movement stimulus that it usually doesn’t get in your daily activities. Try some uphill cat crawls. Climb some monkey bars; it’s good for you.

            • Max Mover

              June 2, 2023 at 8:17 pm

              150 Ways You Didn’t Even Know You Could Get Better:
              11.) Spending Time With Your Dog:

              Yes, you can get better while spending time with your dog. Whether you’re on the ground, doing groundwork, & your dog is applying a proprioception stimulus to your training. For example, if you’re doing the rocker foundation or a Drop In while playing tug-of-war with your dog, that’ll increase your athleticism and strength, all while having fun. Another way to get better with your dog is by making better habits when you walk your dog. For example, if you have a retractable leash, it’s easy to work any upper body exercise for light resistance. With the retractable leash, your dog can stand still while you work all kinds of open chain arm exercises. And lastly, you could use your dog to promote better sleeping positions. For example, if your dog is big enough, you could have your dog be a prop for your wrist when you sleep. That way, when you spend time with your dog while you sleep, you maintain your Inside Wrist Bone High all night.

              Make sure you thank your favorite animal for helping you get better!

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