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News Feed Forums G8way Max Forum The meaning you associate to the situation you face, determines your outcome.

  • The meaning you associate to the situation you face, determines your outcome.

    Posted by Max Mover on April 1, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    The meaning we attach and associate to events ultimately determines their significance and, therefore, their impact on our lives. If you think something is not that bad versus “it’s the end of the world,” both thought processes will produce a different action response.

    Meaning, life is like a “Choose Your Own Adventure book” – the meaning we attach to the events that occur or any action is the page we turn to. Whether we face a rougher morning or a more empowering sense depends on our chosen perspective. We do have a conscious brain and free will. So it’s essential to note that how we perceive something is entirely up to us.

    It’s not the events that matter but how we respond to them. It’s not the situation or circumstances that define us but our reaction to the problem.

    When we experience negative emotions, we must identify what we are feeling & what it truly means. Try not to associate a negative emotion with an even more negative meaning. See it for what it is.
    A negative emotion shouldn’t be recognized as harmful to the point where you beat yourself up or freak out. Realize that all “negative emotions” are signs telling you you need to change your communication, meanings, or actions. It’s a warning/notice, not a scary thing.

    Here are a few negative emotions and what they could mean & how you can get rid of the negative feelings.

    Fear is a message letting you know that you must prepare for something. If we are fearful we are not prepared enough. If we prepare significantly before action, the fear will decrease. If we have associated a poor meaning with the fear we experience, that can hinder our decisions.

    Hurt indicates that one of our expectations has not been met. This can be interpreted incorrectly, sometimes accidentally hurting someone else. You will be greatly disappointed if you want your husband or wife to be perfect. Maybe your expectations are too high. Perhaps you felt hurt, but you need to communicate your needs better so that your expectations can be met in the future; at the end of the day, it’s the only thing you can control.

    Anger arises when a significant rule has been violated. If we are around someone we love and experience anger, having a poor association with the event could result in a thought process like, “this person wants to get under my gears today because they are manipulating me to get what they want.” This meaning could be accurate; however, what if it’s not, and you reacted poorly because you thought it was? “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” Next time you react quickly, post anger emotions, assess yourself, and see if you responded based on the correct or wrong meaning.

    Frustration occurs when our current approach is not working. If we associate the meaning, “well, I’m just never going to get it.” Then, that will affect your day’s work of trying to get closer to your goals. Instead, please realize that the most successful people in the world had to fail to get where they are. Change your perspective to “well, at least now I’m one step closer to actually getting it right now.”

    In conclusion, by understanding our emotions and the meaning we attach to events, we can take control of our lives and make positive changes. We can choose more empowering meanings, communicate effectively, and inspire those around us. With this knowledge, we can create a fulfilling and rewarding life for ourselves and those around us.

    Max Mover replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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