Test and Train West Signup Account holder's email:(Required) Password:(Required)Name:(Required) First Last Do you play a sport? If yes, which one is your main one?(Required) I do not play a sport. Baseball Basketball Bicycle Motocross (BMX) Bodybuilding Bowling Boxing Car Racing Cheerleading Cricket Dance Diving Fencing Figure Skating Football Golf Gymnastics Hockey Horse Back Riding or Horse Riding Ice Skating Karate Lacrosse Kick Boxing Rock Climbing Rowing Rugby Skateboarding Skiing Snowboarding Softball Squash Swimming Tennis Track and Field Triathlons Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling Other If the sport that you play is not on the list, please put it here:Age:(Required)Please enter a number from 1 to 115.Date of Birth:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Height (in inches):(Required)Weight (in pounds):(Required)Gender:(Required)MaleFemaleOtherActivity Level:(Required)SedentaryLightly ActiveModerately ActiveVery ActiveExtra ActiveGuardian's Name:(Required) First Last Guardian's Email:(Required) Do you have any physical pain in your body, if so how would you rate the pain you're having?(Required)Please rate your physical body pain on a 0-10 scale.0 (I feel no pain ever.)1 (I feel pain rarely.)2 (I feel pain occasionally.)3 (I feel mild pain sometimes.)4 (I feel moderate pain frequently.)5 (I feel significant pain regularly.)6 (I feel severe pain often.)7 (I feel intense pain most of the time.)8 (I feel excruciating pain almost constantly.)9 (I have almost always the worst pain of all time.)10 (I have the absolute worst pain of all time.)What is the #1 place where you often feel pain, discomfort, or tightness?(Required)ToeAnklesAchillesCalvesKneesHamstringsQuadsGroinsHip FlexorsIT BandsGlutesLower BackMid BackUpper BackLatsAbsShouldersArmsWristsNeckMy body feels great and I don't have a #1 discomfort areaWhat is the #2 place where you often feel pain, discomfort, or tightness?(Required)ToeAnklesAchillesCalvesKneesHamstringsQuadsGroinsHip FlexorsIT BandsGlutesLower BackMid BackUpper BackLatsAbsShouldersArmsWristsNeckMy body feels great and I don't have a #2 discomfort areaWhat is the #3 place where you often feel pain, discomfort, or tightness?(Required)ToeAnklesAchillesCalvesKneesHamstringsQuadsGroinsHip FlexorsIT BandsGlutesLower BackMid BackUpper BackLatsAbsShouldersArmsWristsNeckMy body feels great and I don't have a #3 discomfort areaOther:Do you have any pre-existing conditions or surgeries that we need to know about when building your training program?Hypothetically, if you were to sit in the seiza position, would you have any pain in your knees?(Required)Rate the pain you'd have on a 0-10 scale. 0 (I feel no pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)1 (I feel a little discomfort or tightness in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)2 (I feel mild discomfort in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)3 (I feel moderate discomfort in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)4 (I feel noticeable discomfort or pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)5 (I feel significant pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)6 (I feel severe pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)7 (I feel intense pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)8 (I feel excruciating pain in the knees while sitting in the seiza position.)9 (I would likely have the worst pain of all time in my knees if I tried sitting in the seiza position.)10 (There’s no way my body or knees could handle sitting in the seiza position.)Why are you here?(Required) Become more durable and mobile Avoid non-contact injuries I want to look good without pain Athletic performance Support anti-aging OtherAre you looking for your fitness program to be tailored towards weight management?(Required) Gain Weight Lose Weight Maintain Weight Neither How much time each day can you commit to your G8way Max exercises?(Required) 5-10 min 10-20 min 20-30 min We will use this information when our coaches build your training program. This field is hidden when viewing the formClient ICF Type Submit